Raw data is often rife with missing items, logical errors, and sensitive information. To ignore these issues risks alienating respondents and data users alike, so data modification is a necessary part of the production of quality survey and census data. Tea is a statistical library designed to eradicate these errors via a framework that is user-friendly, effectively handles Census-sized data sets, and processes quickly even with relatively sophisticated methods.
You can also read this tutorial as a PDF.
This tutorial is a work in progress. Tea has an open development model, wherein users have been able to download versions almost since its inception. We follow the same process for this tutorial, posting the draft as we write it, and adding more every week.
The interface for Tea is an R package, but depends on several C libraries. That means that installation is not as trivial as typical R packages, but we found the large-scale processing we had to do to be largely impossible when staying exclusively within ecosystem of things installable via install.package.
If you are set up to use virtual machines, check out the GovReady Tea machine.
Installation is easiest on a system with a package management system. Package managers give you immediate access to thousands of programs, libraries, language compilers, games, and everything else a computer can do. Linux users know their package manager; Mac users can use MacPorts or Fink; Windows users can use Cygwin.
Once you have the basic platform set up,
The full specification of the various steps of Tea's process, from input of data to final production of output tables, is specified in a single plain text file, herein called the spec file. An R script executes the plan based on the spec file description.
There are several benefits to such a work flow. First, because the spec file is separate from programming languages like R or SAS, it is a simpler grammar that is easier to write, and analysts whose areas of expertise are not in programming can write technical specifications without the assistance of a programmer or training in a new programming language. Second, this follows the programming adage that data and procedure should be kept separate. Third, we hope that spec files will be published along with data sets, so that users can see the assumptions made during processing.
Throughout this tutorial, code snippets that have a file name can be found in the tutorial repository. In the sidebar on that page, you will find a link to download a zip file of the full set of files, or users familiar with git can clone the repository.
Being plain text, you can open and edit the files using any text editor (Notepad, Kate, vi, ...). From that directory, you can cut/paste the R sample code onto the R command prompt, or run the program using R's the source command, e.g., from R:
This leaves you at the R prompt with the Tea library loaded and any variables defined in hello.R ready for your interrogation.
If you want to run a script and exit, you can do this via R's -f flag. From the command line:
R -f hello.R
Our first example will load in a data set (the Public Use Micro Sample for the American Community Survey, DC, 2008) and do some simple queries, without yet doing any editing or imputation. Here is the spec file:
# hello.spec
database: test.db
input {
input file: dc_pums_08.csv
output table: dc
overwrite: yes
fields {
age: real
schl: int 1-24
Almost everything in the spec file will consist of key:value pairs, which may be organized into groups (and subgroups).
Everything on a line after a # is a comment that the spec parser will ignore. Blank lines are also ignored.
The first non-comment, non-blank line of every spec file needs to specify a database; more on this requirement in Subkeys. This will be a file generated on disk (or opened, if it already exists), using the SQLite database library. The name doesn't have to end in .db, but we recommend sticking to that custom. If you are an SQLite expert, you can view or modify this database using your favorite SQLite tools.
If your data is already in an SQLite database, then you can skip the input step, but in typical cases your data will be in a plain text file. These are typically called CSV files (for comma-separated values), though the delimiter can be set to almost anything; we prefer pipes, | .
The input segment of the spec gives the name of the input file, and the name of the table that will be generated from that input.
This spec file tells Tea to overwrite the dc table if it already exists. This can be useful for running an analysis from start to finish, but in most cases, the read-in is time-consuming and most later operations will not modify the source data, so the default if the input segment has no overwrite key is to assume overwrite: no. More on this below.
The spec also includes a section describing two of the fields: age is a real number, and schl is an integer from 1 to 24. Not all fields have to be specified, but it helps to guarantee that SQLite doesn't treat the entries as text, and will be required when we get to editing. You can have one fields section for every table, or several which will be treated as a single unit.
Spacing in the spec file is largely irrelevant, but each key:value pair must end with a newline (or the } closing a group, though we think having the } on its own line looks better). You will see some examples below where the expression is too long for one line, so lines are joined by ending the first line with a backslash.
Now that we have specified the characteristics of the survey, we can move on to hello.R, which makes use of that description:
# hello.R
tt <- teaTable("dc", limit=20, cols=c("serialno", "agep", "schl"))
print(summary(teaTable("dc", cols=c("agep", "schl"))))
We do not print the unremarkable output from running hello.R, but you are encouraged to make sure that your Tea installation is working by running it yourself.
Why does the first line of the spec file have to be a database? Because the first step in processing is to convert the spec file into a database table. The table is named keys, and you can view it like any other:
key tag count value
1 database 0 tag 1 test.db
2 input/input file 1 tag 2 dc_pums_08.csv
3 input/output table 1 tag 3 dc
The format of the keys table is subject to change, so please do not rely on it for processing. However, it can be useful to check that the parser did what you expected. The fields and checks sections do not get encoded into this table, but every other key:value pair will get one row. Comparing this table to hello.spec shows how the keys embedded in a group are written via a group/key notation. For example, input/input file appeared in the spec as
input {
input file: ...
That said, here is an alphabetical list of all Tea keys.
A recode is a variable that is deterministically generated from another variable. The name comes from variables made via simple code switches, like taking three-digit race codes (100, 101, ..., 200, 201, ...) and reducing them to one-digit race codes (1, 2, ...). But they are a versatile solution to many little survey annoyances. If you find yourself referring to a complex expression several times, it might be best to define a variable based on that expression. It is easy to use a recode to define sets of observations that can then be treated as separate categories for imputation modeling.
There may be characteristics of the group, such as the householder's income and the total income for all members of the household, that are useful for processing each record. Tea handles such characteristics by adding a field giving the group-based value to each record.
On the back-end, the recodes are generated via an SQL table view. We have a table named dc, so the recodes will be in a table named viewdc. Therefore, all recodes are simple fragments of SQL.
Here is a sample spec file that generates several recodes.
# recode.spec
database: recode.db
id: id
input {
input file: dc_pums_08.csv
output table: dc
fields {
agep: real
PINCP: real
log_in: real
schl: int 1-24
has_income: int 0, 1
recodes {
id: serialno*100 + sporder
log_in: log10(PINCP+10)
group recodes {
group id: serialno
hh_in: max(case sporder when 1 then log_in else 0 end)
house_in: sum(case when PINCP is not null \
and PINCP > 0 then PINCP else 0 end)
recodes {
log_house_in: log10(house_in)
has_income {
0 | PINCP==0
1 | PINCP>0
age_cat {
0 | AGEP <= 15
1 | AGEP between 16 and 29
2 | AGEP between 30 and 64
3 | AGEP>= 65
X |
checks {
has_income=0 and PINCP is null => PINCP=0
PINCP +0.0 < 0
The R script uses some of those recodes.
# recode.R
tt <- teaTable("viewdc", limit=20, cols=c("id", "PINCP", "log_in",
"hh_in", "house_in"))
print(summary(teaTable(teaenv$active_tab, cols=c("log_in", "log_house_in"),
where="log_in+log_house_in > -100")))
print(dbGetQuery(teaenv$con, "select avg(log_house_in) from \
(select distinct serialno, log_house_in \
from viewdc where log_house_in > -100)"))
With a few exceptions, every segment can have input table, overwrite, and output table keys. Keeping track of these things will become important as more segments are added and if multiple tables are being used.
If these keys are not given, the output table from the previous segment of the spec will be used as the input table for the next segment.
If you do not specify the output from the recodes, then the output table name at the end of a sequence of recodes is the input table name with view at the front. E.g., intab $\to$ viewintab.
Imputations and edits typically generate a table of fill-ins, which specify a certain value for a certain cell, e.g., for draw #2, the age for record 34187 should be 68. The checkOutImpute function will take a base table and a fill-in table and do the fill-ins to generate the completed or corrected table. Thus, edits and imputations may have a fill table field specifying the name of this output. The default output table name is filled, but you are encouraged to use something else.
If you need to call in a fill table before a step happens, specify a input fill table.
The flow is thus typically a chain of steps, like input $\to$ recode $\to$ join with another table $\to$ edit $\to$ impute. If you give an instruction to overwrite input every time, then the recode, join, and impute steps will also rebuild their output tables. If you remove the input table (SQL: "drop table read_in_data") then the table will be re-read and all subsequent steps rerun. The exceptions: checks and fields apply to all tables, the input segment takes an input file, and the imputations are always re-run.
As above, the R variable teaenv$active_tab keeps track of the latest output table.
This section will begin with an overview of the many methods one could use to fill in a blank in a survey, and will then show how Tea implements them.
The first are what we will call mechanical edits, which are deterministic if-then rules. For example, if a birth date is given but an age is not, then fill in the age by calculating the time span between the birth date and the survey.
Mechanical methods are best when there is a single correct answer that can be calculated from available information, such as in an accounting ledger where certain sets of numbers must add up to certain sums.
Here is a simple case from the example below:
has_income=0 and PINC is null => PINC=0
This reads as an if-then statement: if has_income=0 and PINC is null, then set PINC=0.
People at extreme ends of a range, such as the exceptionally long-lived or the exceptionally high-income, are a disclosure avoidance risk, so statistical agencies often top code, changing all values above a threshold to the threshold itself. To set the income of all people making over a million a year to exactly a million:
PINC>1e6 => PINC=1e6
Some history and literature: Pierzchala gives an overview of the problem of editing (including a useful glossary). The models covered in that paper are uniformly in the class of mechanical edits, including several implementations of the method of Fellegi and Holt and deterministic nearest-neighbor methods, such as that used by García.
This thread has continued into the present day. Chen discusses three newer systems, each of which focuses on determining the cause of the error and imputing accordingly: the editing system for the American Community Survey (ACS, from the US Census Bureau) consists of a long sequence of if-then rules that specify what substitutions are to be made given every type of failure; the DISCRETE system (winkler:discrete) uses Fellegi-Holt's method to derive imputation rules from the edits; what is now CANCEIS (bankir:canceis) uses a relatively sophisticated nearest-neighbor rule for imputation.
Probabilistic edits assert some underlying distribution or model to the variables, and fill in a missing value by making a draw (sometimes multiple) from the underlying distribution.
The incumbent method is Hot Deck, a nonparametric method in which nearby nonmissing values are used to generate imputed data (cresce:census). In its simplest form, Hot Deck imputation for a missing value consists of substituting a neighbor's value for the missing value. This is a mechanical imputation: if the value is missing, then fill in using the neighbor's value.
Randomized Hot Deck is probabilistic: select a subset of similar respondents (see below), and assume that the missing value takes on the same distribution as the values in the respondent set. Having established this empirical distribution of values, make a draw (or draws) to fill in the missing value.
Hot Deck does not make assumptions about mathematical relations among variables. For example, there is no need to evaluate and substantiate claims that variables are multivariate Normal, or there is a linear relationship between some set of dependent variables and independent variables. But Hot Deck does make the basic modeling assumption that neighbors are similar, and that values observed in the neighborhood are the most likely values that would have been observed had the missing data been gathered.
Other models make other assumptions. We may assume that income has a Lognormal distribution, in which case we can calibrate the distribution by calculating $\mu$ and $\sigma$ using the known values from the respondent set, and then drawing from the estimated Lognormal distribution.
The EM algorithm described below builds and draws from a multivariate empirical distribution, akin to the univariate Hot Deck distribution.
There is a broad intuition that imputed values should be taken from records `close' to the one missing information, perhaps in the physical sense, or in a broader sense, like how we expect an apartment dweller to be more like another apartment dweller than a similar person living in a single-family house, ceteris paribus.
Tea thus provides a mechanism to do imputations by categories. Given this part in the impute segment of a spec file,
categories {
puma #public use microdata area
and a record with a known income_cat, sex, and puma, only records with the same characteristics will be used to train or fit the model.
These categories `roll up' if there is insufficient data. If there are not enough observations in the income_cat $\times$ sex $\times$ puma category to build a model, then the last categorization in the list is thrown out, and the model fit using income_cat $\times$ sex. The roll-up could continue until there are no categories left, in which case the entire data set is used. Set the minimum group size before a roll-up occurs via an impute/min group size key.
The following example imputes missing incomes using two methods.
Here is the spec file, with several imputation methods:
# incomes.spec
include: recode.spec
impute {
input table: viewdc
vars: has_income
categories {
puma #public use microdata area
method: hot deck
output table: has_in
common {
input table: viewdc
earlier output table: has_in
min group size: 5
subset: agep+0.0>15
categories {
impute {
vars: PINCP
paste in: common
method: hot deck
fill table: hd
impute {
vars: PINCP
paste in: common
method: lognormal
fill table: norm
The spec uses two features to reduce redundancy.
Please note: this is a tutorial consisting of simple demo code, so we make no promises that this is a good model for imputing missing data. We do not know of any Census surveys that use these models for income imputation. But we do believe that the spec format makes the assumptions underlying the imputation clear, and provides an easy means of quickly trying different models.
After every value is imputed, the edits are checked. Above, you saw that recodes.spec has an edit specifying that if has_income=0 and PINC is null then set PINC to zero. This guarantees us that at the end of the imputation of has_income, the only people with incomes marked as missing are those who are imputed as having a nonzero income.
Tea is intended for multiple imputation, either in the formal sense (see, e.g., Schafer) or in the sense of this example, where multiple models are used on the same data set.
To facilitate this, imputations are not written to the input table specified in the impute section, but to a separate fill table. For the has_income variable, the fill table was has_in, so after the imputation, we can have a look at that table:
teaTable("has_in", limit=5)
draw value id field
1 0 1 348902 has_income
2 0 0 6462602 PINCP
3 0 0 6462602 has_income
4 0 0 18435903 PINCP
5 0 0 18435903 has_income
Each id/field coordinate in the original table that has an imputed value will have a row (or rows) in the fill-in table. Here only one draw was made per imputed value, so the draw column is all zeros; if you specify draw count to be greater than one, then this will take appropriate values.
This is the output for the imputation of has_income, but because the edit rules specify that (has_income=0 and PINCP is NULL) is an inconsistent value, the fill-in table also specifies cases where PINCP has to be adjusted to maintain consistency.
The list of imputations is sometimes useful for debugging, but we actually want the complete data set. Check out an imputation into a new database table as needed:
checkOutImpute(teaenv$active_tab, "complete_tab", filltab="has_in")
outdata <- teaTable("complete_tab")
One imputation often follows another. Here, the model of income depends on the has_income variable, so we have to impute has_income first. Imputations are done in the sequence listed in the spec file. Use the input fill table key in an impute group to specify a table of fill-ins to be checked out before embarking on the imputation described by this group.
If you want to not bother with a fill-in table and write imputations directly to the input table, add the autofill key to an imputation.
Here is some R code to
The sample data used in this tutorial is already-cleaned public use data, so the only missing incomes are for people under 15 (who all have missing income, which tells us that the ACS probably has an edit akin to age<=15 => PINCP=NULL). The pokeHoles function first records the original distribution as reported by the Census (in the precut table), then blanks out the incomes of about 30% of respondents (probably including a good number of already-blank under-15s). Because pokeHoles.R is not really about Tea, we do not print it here, but you can inspect it on the pokeHoles.R page of the repository.
This tutorial will not go into detail regarding the especially R-heavy portions of the code, such as how the ggplot2 package was used to generate the final plot, though the comments give a sketch of what the code is doing.
# incomes.R
#To prevent a million log(0) errors, give everybody $10
dbGetQuery(teaenv$con, "update viewdc set pincp=pincp+10")
# Dirty up the data by blanking out 30% of incomes
pokeHoles("viewdc", "pincp", .3)
# A function to use checkOutImpute to get imputed PINCPs and save them
# in a format amenable to the plotting routine
getOne <-function(method, fillins){
filledtab <- paste(fillins, "fill", sep="")
checkOutImpute(origin="viewdc", dest=filledtab, filltab=fillins,
outframe <-teaTable(filledtab, cols="PINCP")
outframe$PINCP <- log10(outframe$PINCP+10)
outframe$imp <- paste("via", method)
# The data sets in this function are two-column: the first
# is the observed value, and the second is the name of the method.
# Put the two imputations and the original data in that format,
# then send to ggplot.
plotWage <- function(outname){
dfhd <- getOne("Hot Deck", "hd")
dfnorm <- getOne("Lognormal", "norm")
dfdc <-teaTable("precut", cols="PINCP", where="PINCP is not null")
dfdc$PINCP <- log10(dfdc$PINCP+10) #+ runif(length(dfdc$PINCP))
dfdc$imp <- "original"
DFall <-rbind(dfdc, dfhd, dfnorm)
#plot DFall, using imp# as color
p <- ggplot(DFall,aes(x=PINCP,color=as.factor(imp)))
p <- p + geom_density()
p <- p + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45,hjust=1,vjust=1))
bitmap(file=paste(outname,".png", sep=""),width=11*(10/11),height=8.5*(10/11),units="in",res=150)
The figure presents the final graphic. The data used for imputation is not pictured, but hot deck makes draws from that distribution, so the hot deck curve could be read as the post-cut data set. The imputation using a lognormal distribution produces a distribution that is lower at the peak and smooths out some of the inflection points in the data.
If we believe that people at extremes of the income spectrum are underrepresented in the complete data, then the fact that Hot Deck simply replicates the nonmissing data may not be desirable.
Imputation with auxiliary data
Consider two data sets that ostensibly measure the same thing, such as American Community Survey income questions and income questions on tax returns. The biases and assumptions underlying both questions are slightly different. People have a strong incentive to understate taxable income, or might treat exceptional circumstances differently between the two. But we have a strong expectation that the two are closely correlated.
We can expect that for some respondents, we have both observations, for some only one or the other, and for some we have neither.
Tea has an implementation of the expectation-maximization algorithm by hartley, popularized in Rubin. The end result in our two-income example is a table with ACS incomes on the rows and IRS incomes on the columns. We expect that most observations will be along the main diagonal where ACS income equals IRS income.
Given a person with a known IRS income, we can impute their ACS income by taking the appropriate column and making a random draw from the density in that column. For somebody with no income data, we can make a draw from the entire table.
This method has several advantages over substituting in IRS observations. It accommodates the uncertainty of using an auxiliary data source, and several draws from the IRS data would produce a spread of income values (see the discussion of multiple imputation below). This algorithm becomes especially useful when we go past two dimensions into six or seven, each of which is partially specified.
The primary benefit of Hartley's EM algorithm is that it uses all available information, in a Bayesianly-correct manner, to generate the final table. If a respondent has only ACS or only IRS data, their response is still used to generate the densities in the final table. Tea's implementation offers a few minor benefits: it accommodates near-misses (and so is usable for near-continuous variables like incomes) and is implemented efficiently enough to work for up to about seven-dimensional tables (though it starts to freeze up past that point, especially when many-valued variables like age or income are involved).
In the code repository, there is a second data set, named fake_in.csv. This is indeed fake data, generated via fake_in.c (also in the repository), which reads the first 2,000 income observations from the DC PUMS, and multiplies each by a draw from a truncated Normal(0.9, 0.2) distribution. Thus, the fake income data systematically under-reports the actual data.
Our first task in processing is to merge the data sets into one table. Joining data sets is one of the great strengths of SQL databases, and we only have to specify how it is done using a join segment in the spec file.
# joined.spec
database: test.db
id: id
input {
input file: dc_pums_08.csv
output table: dc
fields {
agep: real
PINCP: real
income: real
log_in: real
schl: int 0-24
has_income: int 0, 1
id: real
age_cat: cat 0-3, X
checks {
pincp < 0
recodes {
id: serialno*100 + sporder
log_in: log10(PINCP+10)
recodes {
has_income {
0 | PINCP==0
1 | PINCP>0
age_cat {
0 | AGEP <= 15
1 | AGEP between 16 and 29
2 | AGEP between 30 and 64
3 | AGEP>= 65
X |
checks {
has_income=0 and PINCP is null => PINCP=0
PINCP +0.0 < 0
input {
input file: fake_in.csv
output table: fake_incomes
join {
host: viewdc
add: fake_incomes
output table: dc_united
impute {
input table: dc_united
method: em
vars: income, PINCP, age_cat
fill table: via_em
subset: agep>15
near misses: ok
impute {
categories {
input table: dc_united
method: hot deck
vars: PINCP
subset: agep>15
fill table: via_hot_deck
Here is the R code. The library and readSpec are by now familiar to you, but the script then introduces a new command, doTable. Because tea derived the pipeline of input/output tables from your spec file, it knows what steps to take to generate any given table. Inspecting the spec ourselves, we see that dc_united depends on viewdc, which is the product of recodes on dc, which is a read-in from the dc_pums_08.csv file, and on fake_incomes, which is a read-in from fake_in.csv. The doTable("dc_united") function will therefore implement all of those steps.
As above, the public-use microdata is complete, so we need to use the pokeHoles function to produce some missing data. The script then calls doMImpute.
# joined.R
pokeHoles("dc_united", "pincp", .3)
# Check out an imputation using the chosen method
# Query the absolute difference between the correct PINCP and the imputed
# Get log(diff+10), where the +10 deals with zeros
# Print a summary of the log differences.
getDiffs <- function(method, name){
filltab <- paste("via_", method, sep="")
outtab <- paste("complete_", filltab, sep="")
checkOutImpute(origin="dc_united", dest=outtab, filltab=filltab)
diffs <- dbGetQuery(teaenv$con, paste("select abs(dcu.pincp - imp.pincp) \
from precut dcu, ", outtab, "imp\
where dcu.id+0.0 = imp.id \
and dcu.agep>15 \
and dcu.id in (select id from dc_united where pincp is null)"))
diffs <- log(diffs+10)
print(paste("Log diffs for income imputed via", name))
getDiffs("em", "EM algorithm (w/aux data)")
getDiffs("hot_deck", "Hot deck")
Here is the output. Note that, even though the fake data is biased, generated via a process that understates income by 90% of the true values, using it as a covariate gave us better results than not using it.
[1] "Log diffs for income imputed via EM algorithm (w/aux data)"
abs(dcu.pincp - imp.pincp)
Min. : 2.303
1st Qu.: 7.251
Median : 8.701
Mean : 8.197
3rd Qu.: 9.799
Max. :13.715
[1] "Log diffs for income imputed via Hot deck"
abs(dcu.pincp - imp.pincp)
Min. : 2.303
1st Qu.: 9.623
Median :10.483
Mean :10.166
3rd Qu.:11.296
Max. :13.635
To this point, we have covered imputation of missing values, where those values and edit-associated values get checked. This segment will cover editing the data that is already part of the data set. There are three things that can be done when an edit is hit:
The sample spec for this part of the tutorial will focus on age, income, and schooling, and the presumption that children do not have advanced degrees or significant incomes. Also, the number 13 is unlucky, so we disallow the schooling field from taking on the value 13.
# edit.spec
database: test.db
id: id
input {
input file: dc_pums_08.csv
output table: dc
fields {
agep: [.9] real
PINCP: real
schl: [2.1] int 0-24
sex: int 1, 2
recodes {
id: serialno*100 + sporder
checks {
agep < 13 and pincp > 0
schl>12 and agep <=14 and agep>=5 => schl = agep-5
#13 is unlucky.
schl=13 => schl=NULL
edit {
input table: viewdc
fill table: imp
impute {
input table: viewdc
method: normal
categories {
vars: sex
input fill table: imp
fill table: imp
impute {
subset: agep>=5
input table: viewdc
method: em
vars: schl, agep
input fill table: imp
fill table: imp
The checks section looks much like the sections above. The first edit, that if age is less than thirteen and income is positive, has no associated mechanical edit, because we do not know whether a fault is in the age or the income field. The second has an associated mechanical edit, that if years of schooling look off, we should assign the U.S.-typical age minus five to schooling. As with most deterministic edits, this comes off as a somewhat strong assumption.
Any time a record needs to be verified, including during edits, these checks will run.
This spec file also has an edit segment, which allows you to describe similar logistics to the impute segment, like the input table (which is assumed to be the output from the last segment of the spec), the output table, and whether to overwrite.
That segment gets used when you call doEdit() from R. Here is a sample program.
# edit.R
# Because the data are already clean, let's insert some errors to edit.
dbGetQuery(teaenv$con, "update viewdc \
set pincp=1000 where agep = 12")
dbGetQuery(teaenv$con, "update viewdc \
set schl=22 where agep between 10 and 14 and id%2 == 0")
The doEdit call will fist handle the mechanical edits. When a record hits a failure with a mechanical edit:
The record may encounter additional mechanical edits, or it may get to the end of the edit list with no further changes. An exhausted mechanical edit will not be reapplied to a record, so we are guaranteed forward progress.
But there may still be edit failures. In this case, the next step that doEdit() will take is to blank out fields, with the intent of allowing you to impute them later.
At this point in the process, we have checked every edit, and have a tally of every edit that failed for a given record, and know which fields are associated with the edit.
Say that an edit regarding age and housing tenure failed. If age appears in a hundred edits and fails in six, while sex appears in three edits but fails all three, we are inclined to believe that it is sex (and perhaps some other variable in other age-related edits) that needs fixing. So we use a modified percentage of edits failed to determine which field to blank.
The modifier is a user-specified salience, which set in the fields segment. In the example above, agep was given a salience of 0.9 and schl a salience of 2.1.
Continuing the example above, the score for age is now 0.9 * 6/100 = .054. The corresponding score for sex is thus 2.1*3/3 = 1, so sex is still going to be blanked if there is a failing edit regarding sex and age.
After sex is blanked, all later edits regarding tenure are considered resolved for this record.
At the end of the doEdit() step, we have a fill-in table named edits, which is identical to the output from the imputation steps above, except that it may include some NULLs, indicating that a certain field in a certain record is to be blanked out.
We could use checkOutImpute to fold the list of changes into a new table and check that the edits have been made.
Or, we can use the input fill table key in the imputation to have the imputation automatically pull the edits for us.
Once the fill-ins are done, there will be blanks to be imputed. Note that the age/school imputation is done for the subset: agep >= 5, because schooling is naturally missing for children under five. We use the EM algorithm to simultaneously impute age and schooling, given the clear correlation between the two.
In this setup, the edits and imputations have all been written to the same table, thus producing a complete audit trail. ID 3545501 had a SCHL level of 13, which would be marked as unlucky and erased. [Found via: teaTable("dc", cols="serialno*100+sporder", where="schl=13", limit=10)]
We can query for every entry with a given record ID to see what happened to the record over the course of all processing:
teaTable("imp", where= "id=3545501")
Raking is a method of producing a table of cells consistent with a given list of margins. For example, we may require that any data set we produce have an age $\times$ race $\times$ ethnicity distribution and a sex $\times$ age distribution that exactly matches the complete data in a census.
Raking is a simple method by which the values in the survey table can be incrementally reweighted to match the values in the census. Let close indicate Kullback-Leibler divergence; then the raked table is the closest table to the original data subject to the constraints of the row and column totals specified by the census.
Given more dimensions, we may want certain sets of dimensions to match a reference, such as requiring all block $\times$ sex categories to fit to the reference values.
But consider the case where there was no survey; we can begin with a `noninformative' table in which all cells are filled with ones, and rake that to the closest table that matches the specified margins.
Raking a noninformative table as per the above definition (or many others) to margins deemed to not be a disclosure risk will produce microdata that also bears no disclosure risk, and can be presented to the public.
Tea's raking algorithm is designed to work well with sparse tables, and makes heavy use of the database for its work. If the marginal cells imply a large number of zeros (which is a near-certainty in high-dimensional tables), those cells will remain zero in the raked table.
Here are some additional notes about using Tea and its attendant tools.
Because Tea is about dealing with missing data, it may be worth getting to know how various systems express missingness.
These are explicit markers of missingess that can not be mistaken for erroneous values. It is easy to find systems that use ad hoc markers to represent missingness, including zero, -1, an empty string, and so on, especially in older systems that predate the IEEE standard (first published in 1985). We recommend using the input/missing marker key to specify this ad hoc value; Tea will then read elements intended as blanks into the database as NULL.
The IEEE 754 standard specifies a NaN marker to represent math errors such as 0./0., and this is often used to represent missing data.1
Comparison to NaN always fails—the standard specifies that even a==a is false if a is NaN. Therefore, there are functions to use to check for missingness. in SQL,
a is null
a is not null
Especially careful readers will note that using NaN as a missingness marker is potentially ambiguous: a NaN could represent truly missing data or it could represent the result of dividing a nonmissing zero by another nonmissing zero. Thus, R has an NA marker, which is distinct from its NaN marker. The authors of this document have surveyed R users, including the authors of some popular packages, and have not found a single user who takes care to preserve the distinction between NaN and NA in practice. Note that NaNs are a subset of NAs, not the other way around:
> a<-NaN
> is.na(a)
[1] TRUE
> b<-NA
> is.nan(b)
Therefore, we recommend using the shorter is.na, which catches both NAs and NaNs.
See also this blog post for bit-level discussion of the types of NaN.
To date, the only formal publication describing Tea is a UN proceedings paper (klemens:tea), so until we get out more publications it is may be the best option when citing Tea in an academic paper:
author={Ben Klemens},
title= {Tea for Survey Processing},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Conference of European Statisticians},
chapter={Working paper 29},
title={Proceedings of the Conference of European Statisticians},
series={Work Session on Statistical Data Editing},
organization={United Nations Economic Commission for Europe},
1. The standard also
states that 1./0. produces INFINITY and -1./0. produces -INFINITY.
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